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I offer a variety of local classes at locations throughout Northern Virginia and on Zoom, please contact me to learn how you can experience different forms of gentle hatha yoga to include:

Gentle Yoga – Slow Movements to Renew Vitality & Balance
In this mat based class, you will experience the stress relieving benefits of yoga. Increased flexibility, a calmer mind, improved balance, enhanced range of motion and a stronger body may be some of the results you notice after taking this class.

Chair Yoga – Move the Joints & Have Fun
Do you want the benefits of yoga without getting onto the floor on a yoga mat? This class offers all the benefits of yoga with the support of a chair. As your range of motion improves, a chair dance may be just what you need to bring a smile to your face!

Restorative Yoga – Chillaxation – Undo, Unwind, Let Go & Experience Rest
Instead of asking your body and mind to do more, this practice soothes your nervous system, quiets your mind, and helps you release deeply held tension. This series is a unique set of restorative poses using blankets, blocks, and bolsters to support deep relaxation. Experience the deep nourishing rest you need and deserve. Leave feeling completely revitalized and refreshed.

Gentle Yoga for Perennials

What is gentle yoga for perennials?
In the days before COVID, one of my young at heart yoga students was complaining about being called a “senior”.  She thought that “senior” implied you were either old or had recently graduated from high school or college.   She preferred the term perennial, because in her mind, she was able to come back year after year to her yoga practice.  I loved this analogy and quickly adopted it.

Gentle yoga for perennials is a mat based gentle yoga class that includes a variety of poses lying on the mat, on hands and knees,  or standing.  There is usually some breath work and meditation included as well.  If this is of interest, please email me.  I’d like to form a class in 2021!

Yoga Nidra Meditation

Yoga nidra which means yoga sleep, is a meditative awareness practice that offers you deep relaxation.  It’s sometimes stated that just one yoga nidra session can feel like the equivalent of 4 hours of sleep.  Denyse has been trained in various types of yoga nidra.  She is a certified in iRest® (Level 2) Yoga Nidra which is a trauma sensitive practice and I AM™ yoga nidra which is an energy based practice.  Currently donation based yoga nidra is offered each Monday evening at 7:30 pm Eastern US time.  (See schedule page to receive the zoom link each week)

Therapeutic Classes – Themed Classes Focused on Lifestyle Improvements
Are you looking to make some changes in your lifestyle to ease or prevent symptoms of chronic conditions? As a Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach and a Yoga Therapy Teacher with specialized training in Heart, Cancer, Stress Management, Brain Longevity and Senior Yoga, I offer classes that include movement, meditation, proven yoga practices and group discussion targeted toward ways we can better thrive as we age.

All classes offer modifications and are suitable to any age or body type. No prior yoga experience is necessary.

As a woman who does not normally do Yoga, I had some trepidation in attending one of Denyse LeFever’s classes. I am not flexible and do not do well on the floor. All of my fears were calmed the minute she took her place. Denyse is a gentle guide who can bring anyone to a comfortable space on the Yoga mat. Her use of lavender is quite unique and she marries it very nicely to the Yoga practice. I would highly recommend Denyse’s class to anyone seeking stillness of mind and movement of body.

– “Senior” Class Participant

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