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 2024  Schedule Update Coming Soon!


 Lavender Om Wellness  now offers recorded classes at no charge on YouTube.  

All  real-time classes are offered on-line using Zoom and unless otherwise noted, all class times refer to U.S. Eastern Time Zone. 


Yoga Nidra Meditation 

Friends and Family Yoga Nidra Meditation –  Mondays   –  7:30 – 8:30 pm EDT.   

Email your interest to me.  Zoom link is forwarded the day before class to all who express interest.   Donations can be made by PayPal, Venmo or personal check.  

Curious about Yoga Nidra?
Although I have been trained in various styles of Yoga Nidra (sometimes referred to as Yogic Sleep), I tend to offer practices based on either iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation created by Richard Miller, PhD, or the I AM™ Yoga Nidra created by Kamini Desai.  These practices are extremely healing during stressful times.  During the pandemic, I completed advanced studies in both approaches.  Each technique shares the benefits of allowing you to connect more deeply with yourself as well as creating a deeper sense of relaxation and ease when you most need it.   Please join us each Monday.  Take the initiative to help reduce your reaction to life’s daily stressors!


Yoga Classes on Zoom – 

Chair Yoga  – Spring  6 Session Series Resumes April 25th and selected Thursdays 

Class dates for this 6 session series is as follows: April 25, May 9 & 16, June 6, 13 & 27 – Price $35 for the series

10:00 – 11 a.m. (4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Central European Time) – Zoom link opens at 9:45 to allow for socialization with the rest of the class.

What is chair yoga?

This gentle class  is suitable for any age.  Each class starts with an opening meditation or breath practice.  Seated movement in an armless chair encourages healthy movement of the joints.  A chair yoga dance is sometimes added for fun!  We spend about 10 -15 minutes in standing balance poses supported by the chair.  This lively fun group of friends and family have been gathering on zoom since the early days of the pandemic.  Curious about a typical class?  Here’s an un-edited video from one of our Spring 2022 classes.  Come join the fun. 

Payment options for classes:

  • On-line —   Payments can be made with PayPal
  • Check — make check payable to Denyse LeFever and mail to the following address:
    3417 Walnut Hill Court, Falls Church VA 22042

    • Drop in – pay for one class at a time – $8   
    • Pre-register for series – $35 
  • Zoom link is forwarded after payment – usually 1 to 2 days before class.  Email me with any questions.


Yoga Therapy at Inova Life with Cancer

I offer private bedside yoga therapy on Tuesdays at Inova Schar’s Infusion Center 9:30 to 10:30 and the Fairfax Hospital’s Oncology Ward (T9) 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.  If someone you know is undergoing treatment, please be sure to request a free yoga therapy session from one of the nurses on duty!

Check Out Yoga Vista TV Wellness Practices!

This year Denyse partnered up with her Chair Yoga Teacher, Sherry Zak Morris.  Both Sherry and Denyse are Certified Yoga Therapists.  Sherry has created a broad selection of quality on-demand yoga videos over the past decade.  They can all be found on her subscription TV channel,  YogaVista.TV.   Recently, Sherry has added a series of Wellness Practices to her internationally acclaimed TV channel.  Denyse contributed content for:  Wellness Practices for Cognitive Enrichment and Wellness Practices for Diabetes Self-Management.   Additionally she wrote these supporting articles: Wellness Practices for Cognitive Enrichment, Remembering the Forgetting,  Wellness Practices for Diabetes Self-Management and  Yamas and Niyamas: A Lifestyle Practice.Please check this out!

Gentle Yoga for Perennials – Not Offered Spring 2022 

What is gentle yoga for perennials?
A few years ago, one of my young at heart yoga students observed that “senior” implied you were either old or had recently graduated from high school or college.   The term perennial,  in her mind, was more suitable.   She noted that her yoga practice allowed her to come back year after year.  I loved this analogy and quickly adopted it.  

Gentle yoga for perennials is a mat based gentle yoga class that includes a variety of poses lying on the mat, on hands and knees,  or standing. In includes breath work and meditation.  Please email  for additional information or interest. 



Lifestyle Guidance for Renewed Living –  Please inquire, if interested. Here’s a recent video about how I live with T2 Diabetes

What is this class about?

Many chronic conditions, like T2 Diabetes or Heart Disease, can be the result of poor dietary choices, lack of exercise, poor sleep or unmanaged stress in life.   This introductory series will focus on research backed skills that may help prevent the occurrence or improve management of T2 Diabetes.     Primary medical based references for this series are the  CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program for decreasing risk of T2 Diabetes and Take Control of Your Diabetes Risk by John Whyte, MD, MPH.  Check out this video of moi, sharing my diabetes story!

Each session will include gentle yoga practices that may help you to implement healthy changes to your life.    The group will be small and open on a first come basis.  The course outline which is subject to change is as follows:

Week 1 – What is Chronic Disease Who is at Risk?    Setting an Intention for the next 6 weeks
Week 2 – Nourishment – Mindfulness and Role in How/What/When You Eat
Week 3 – Movement – Getting Active to Improve Metabolism
Week 4 – Stress Management – Yoga Stress Busters to Better Manage Stress  (Here’s a sample lecture that I offer at Virginia Hospital as part of the CDC Diabetes Prevention program)
Week 5 – Role of Sleep – Why Sleep is Important – A Yoga Nidra Practice to Ease Fatigue
Week 6 – Review Wrap-up – Next Steps



Please subscribe for email updates on classes

Denyse’s restorative lavender yoga class I attended went beyond restoration. I felt refreshed, relaxed and once more centered into my being. It was definitely worthwhile and healing to stop and be present for a few moments in a busy life.

– 50-something, Busy Mom and School Teacher

I felt so wonderful after the last session that I just went to bed to enjoy the feeling – all the hormones dancing around my body!!!

– 70-something, on-line Chair Yoga Participant

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