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Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella

My news and Facebook feeds are full of stories about how Eastern inspired techniques like Meditation, Yoga and/or Tai Chi can ease life’s stresses.  While this is useful information, I can recall one point in my overscheduled life when I felt my stress level increase as I drove through rush hour traffic to get to my yoga class on time.  Alone in my car, with my hands gripping the steering wheel, cursing out wayward drivers,  I started to laugh at…

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Anticipation or Procrastination

​For months the refrain of ANTICIPATION from the Carly Simon song released in November 1971 has been running through my mind.  That song and its lyrics were so apt for the soon to be high school graduate who had her mind set on exploring her life outside of her family and working in London for a year.  Yesterday,  I  googled the lyrics to see if the rest of the song had relevance to my life some 44 years later.  My…

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Making Sense of Disconnects In a Connected World

There's a sun in every person - the you we call companion - Rumi My intention for a post before Thanksgiving was to focus on connections – our connection to our Self - each other - the natural world and the physical world.   I had picked a lovely sunrise photo that I had taken on a beach earlier this month.  My “good feeling” sense of connection to the world came undone last Friday afternoon.  I glanced at my Facebook  page…

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